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Beautiful - Loyal - Intelligent

German Shepherd Dogs "Vom Pegasus"

Bill von Starker Wille

Status: AKC pending, SV, DNA, AD, BH, IGP1, IGP2, IGP3, V-rated work and show, breed surveyed, proven stud


Bill is an outstanding specimen of this breed. His beautiful appearance and combined with his excellent temperament and working abilities makes him the complete package. 

Bill's mom and dad are both WUSV competitors. 

Bill's pedigree has some very big-name producers to show. 


Here are some of the dogs in Bill's pedigree: Ellute von der Mohnwiese, Zico von der Adelegg, Aline vom Teichblick, Vito vom Waldwinkel, Tom van't Lefdaalhof. You can also find these other kennel names in his pedigree: Eqiduis, Weinbergblick, Busecker Schloss, Haus Antverpa, ... to name a few. 

Bill is standing stud to approved females. Please contact his owner Peter Lee for more information. His number is 240.498.6340.

For breeding we require an updated brucellosis test, smear test as well as a progesterone test.

We will have Bill's puppy in the future. Please check back with us about our ongoing breeding program.


We will have puppies with Hannah and Geronimo by the end of December 2022. 

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